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Modern slavery statement

Medical Indemnity Protection Society Limited and its subsidiary MIPS Insurance Pty Ltd are committed to the eradication of any form of modern slavery, including but not limited to human trafficking, servitude, forced labour, child labour and debt bondage. We have adopted a strong governance position to the management of modern slavery which includes:

  • managing modern slavery risks in compliance with legislation and reporting obligations
  • developing a modern slavery policy
  • ongoing due diligence on our supply chain and internal operations
  • managing issues or breaches that may arise during the due diligence process
  • provisioning of protection under our Whistleblower Policy to those that report acts of modern slavery. 

A framework has been developed to manage the risks of modern slavery in our operation and in our supply chain. Other policies, procedures and contractual arrangements within MIPS are also carefully reviewed and amended as necessary to comply with legislation and our Modern Slavery Policy.   

Download the Modern Slavery Statement for the 2023 reporting period.