Pay your membership fee Change Practice Details Sorry. My Membership will be offline from 6:30-8pm AEDT, Friday 28 February.

Dental practitioners

We’re here for you when you need us the most

Reinforce your confidence with member-first insurance cover, support, and advice from MIPS, a not-for-profit medical defence organisation.

MIPS Membership provides benefits to dental members that exceeds Ahpra's requirement for indemnity. Our large range of membership categories covering each step of professional development.


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2. Review your quote
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3. Apply to MIPS
MIPS membership ceases at 30 June each year. Check with your existing provider for cancellation fees. You can pay your membership fee by monthly instalments at no additional cost.

Who can become a MIPS member?

Eligible dental professionals include:

Recent dental graduates

  • Recent dental graduates, within five years of graduation (eg BDsc graduates)
  • Recent oral health practitioner graduates (eg BOralH graduates)


  • General dentists
  • Dentist in training
  • Dental specialists
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgeons

Oral health practitioners

  • Dental hygienists
  • Dental therapists
  • Oral health therapists
  • Dental prosthetists

Our pricing model

We use a risk-based approach to calculate membership fees, and work hard to keep them as low as possible.

If you're an employee of a practice, you should check with your employer to see if they provide any type of indemnity and what is included and excluded. MIPS can assist you in understanding your level of cover. We'll provide a personalised quote specific to your practice. For detailed descriptions of each membership category see the Member Handbook.

Request a quote

Why choose MIPS?

As a member-owned not-for-profit organisation, every decision is made with our members in mind. We’re here to protect you and your professional reputation with comprehensive insurance cover. As a MIPS Member you’ll also have access to resources, advice, and support 24 hours a day medico-legal experts.

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Comprehensive Indemnity Cover

Providing you protection for up to $20 million in claims*

*The maximum amount we will pay in the aggregate per annual membership period.

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24/7 Medico-Legal Advice

Ability to speak with an experienced professional any time of the day

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Access to accredited professional development (CPD) and on-demand learning.

Why do dental practitioners need MIPS membership?

Even if you’re covered by your employer, instances can arise in which your employer is unable to cover or assist you. That’s when you can contact MIPS for advice and support.

Insurance cover is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy. The information provided is general advice only and does not consider your personal circumstances or needs. You should review the Member Handbook Combined PDS and FSG and/or contact MIPS on 1800 061 113, before making a decision. Information is current as at the date published.

You have a choice

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Many dental professionals choose to join MIPS and keep their membership with the ADA or DHAA. You can opt out of paying indemnity with other organisations and just have your indemnity through MIPS – this way you don’t pay twice. You can also benefit from our on-demand CPD and 24/7 support.