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Medical Indemnity FAQs

Has your fee changed?

While MIPS strives to keep membership fees affordable, there has been a rise in the cost of providing member protection and support across the industry. Consequently, your fees may change this year. For more information visit how your membership fee is calculated

Can I pay in instalments?

MIPS provides members with the convenience of paying their membership fee via a monthly direct debit instalment arrangement from their nominated account on the 15th day of each month from July to April. This payment method is available at no extra cost. To set up a direct debit instalment plan complete the online Direct Debit Request. Please ensure you read the Direct debit member agreement.

Can I pay by instalments with my credit card?

MIPS only offers the option to pay via monthly direct debit instalments from a bank account (savings or cheque). There is no option to have instalments deducted from a credit card.

Can I put my membership on hold?

If you are temporarily ceasing practice in Australia, you can amend your membership to a ‘non-practicing’ classification which will provide run-off cover for your new matters that may arise from your past practice while you are not currently practising. Under a ‘claims made’ policy, you are only covered if you are a member at the time the claim is made against you and reported to MIPS. To update your membership details to run off cover complete the Ceasing Practice in Australia form.

Do you cover Telehealth?

Telehealth is covered in line with the Medical Board of Australia 2023 guidelines. However, it is important to note that in the case of asynchronous healthcare, MIPS requires a pre-existing clinical relationship with the patient and that members can interact synchronously if required.

Telehealth is covered where you meet the terms and conditions outlined in the Member Handbook. For more information, please see our Telehealth FAQ.

Do you cover practice outside of Australia

You are covered for Healthcare You provide outside Australia:

  • Where it is provided outside the United States of America (USA) or anywhere USA law applies (except for Good Samaritan Acts, which are covered worldwide); and
  • for no more than 120 days in aggregate within the Period of Insurance; and
  • in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for registration in that country; and
  • with appropriate local insurance cover in place (if this is required); and
  • where Healthcare was provided:
    • gratuitously as a volunteer for a charitable organisation or for disaster relief work; or
    • to members of an Australian sporting or cultural group, performing or participating in a competition, and to people travelling with them such as coaches or family members, but You are only covered with respect to Claims against You by members of that team or group who are Australian residents; or
    • as part of a clinical placement, rotation, or fellowship that is approved by an Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited college for the purpose of qualifying as a specialist medical practitioner, but only where You are insured by Your overseas employer for civil liability; or
    • as specified under ‘Telehealth consultations’ or ‘Medical retrievals and repatriation’; or
    • it was agreed by Us in writing.

You must notify Us in advance of Your travel if You intend to provide Healthcare outside Australia.

Do you price match?

As a member-owned not-for-profit organisation, we prioritise equity in our membership fee structure, both at an individual and collective level. Consequently, MIPS does not engage in price matching or provide discounts.

Does MIPS provide practice entity cover?

Where you qualify as a Sole practitioner under the Indemnity policy, limited cover is extended to:

  • practice staff for claims that arise in connection with the healthcare you provide;
  • locum/temporary healthcare professional who is covering you while you are on leave

For eligibility, terms, conditions, and exclusions refer to the Member Handbook.

Does MIPS offer Public liability or Cyber cover?

Benefits of MIPS membership do not extend to cover for Public liability or Cyber liability. We suggest that you contact a general broker for this requirement.