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Indemnity insurance policy

Personalised protection with experienced foresight

By choosing MIPS, you’ll reinforce your sense of confidence with a partner that understands your unique needs. We’re a member-owned medical defence organisation operating on behalf of its members. This means our priority is to protect you and your professional reputation with comprehensive insurance cover, expert advice, and personalised support.

Comprehensive cover

Our indemnity insurance policy supports where, how, and what you practise. 

Our cover of up to $20 million for claims against you exceeds Ahpra requirements, providing cover for claims arising from your provision of healthcare including: 

  • civil liability claims, such as when you are sued and require legal representation to defend yourself and/or are required to pay compensation
  • legal costs of defence and representation for investigations, proceedings, and other types of disputes
  • legal costs for certain types of employment and pursuit matters.

We understand that insurance can seem complex, that’s why we’re committed to helping and supporting you when you need it the most. We’ve simplified our Product Disclosure Statement (see the Member Handbook) and updated our insurance coverage to better reflect the changing needs of our members. The new categories and procedures we’ve incorporated reflect current healthcare practices.

See the table below for a snapshot of where and what you may be covered for under our policy.

Area of Cover Clause/s Sub-limit*
Civil liability
Adverse clinical outcomes 4 No sub-limit
Breach of privacy 5 No sub-limit
Telehealth consultations 6 No sub-limit
Supervising others 7 No sub-limit
Reporting others 8 No sub-limit
Clinical trials and research projects 9 No sub-limit
Medical retrievals and repatriation 10 No sub-limit
Human rights or equal opportunity complaint 37 $15,000
Professional and disciplinary matters
Regulatory processes 11 No sub-limit
Coronial and other public inquiries 12 No sub-limit
Criminal matters 13 $500,000
Medicare investigations and audits 14 No sub-limit
Other billing investigations and audits 15 No sub-limit
Removal from proceedings 16 No sub-limit
Statutory breaches 17 No sub-limit
Mandatory reporting 18 No sub-limit
Employment, training and university disputes
Employment contracts and credentialling disputes 19 $100,000 combined sub-limit
Workplace bullying or harassment 20
Training program, professional association and university disputes 21
Pursuit matters
Defamation pursuit 22 $150,000 ($20,000 excess^)
Pursuit of indemnity 23 No sub-limit
Personal safety pursuit 24 $100,000
Pursuing an objection to a subpoena 25 No sub-limit
Removal of restrictions on registration 26 No sub-limit
Additional cover
Sole Practitioner entity and Practice Staff 27 No sub-limit
Contagious disease 28 $25,000
Cover for students
Student members 29 As above
* Sub-limits apply per Claim and in the aggregate for all Claims notified to Us in the Policy Period for each clause or group of clauses under an area of cover. The sub-limits shall be part of and not in addition to the maximum sum insured under this Policy. Where an alternative sub-limit or excess is noted on Your Member Benefit Statement, it is that sub-limit and excess that applies to Your cover under this Policy.   
^The excess of $20,000 reduces the amount payable by MIPS under the sub-limit from $150,000 to $130,000.

Why choose MIPS?

As a MIPS Member, you belong to a supportive community that helps you navigate the opportunities and challenges of your career. In addition to your indemnity insurance cover, benefits of membership include: 

Expert medico-legal advice and support 24/7

Protect yourself and your career with confidential and expert advice on medico-legal risks, and how to respond to claims and complaints. 

Professional development

Enhance your preparedness for unexpected events with our accredited continuing professional development (CPD) risk education training and other learning opportunities. Our modules enhance your skills and meet your college and Ahpra CPD requirements.

Partnerships and activism 

We’ve partnered with other service providers to offer you additional benefits for services such as discounted for health insurance with Australian Unity and additional civil liability insurance through Aon. We work hard to build these partnerships to offer our members a greater range of benefits. 

We also support our members though our work in advocating for fairness and quality in the healthcare system, lobbying and negotiating with policy makers and regulators for members' collective interests.

MAKE IT MIPS in 3 easy steps

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2. Review your quote
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3. Apply to MIPS
MIPS membership ceases at 30 June each year. Check with your existing provider for cancellation fees. You can pay your membership fee by monthly instalments at no additional cost.

Insurance cover is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy. The information provided is general advice only and does not consider your personal circumstances or needs. You should review the Member Handbook Combined PDS and FSG and/or contact MIPS on 1800 061 113, before making a decision. Information is current as at the date published.