Online risk education units
MIPS online risk education units provide a convenient alternative for members who are unable to attend risk education workshops due to location and/or time restraints. You can earn accredited CPD points/hours for which you receive a certificate, and download from My Membership.
For each online unit, MIPS has been granted CPD accreditation of 2 category 2 points from the RACGP. When registering for an online unit, please include your QI & CPD number to enable MIPS to process your CPD directly with RACGP.
MIPS has also been granted accreditation of the units from ACRRM. Each unit attracts 1 Core point. When registering for an online unit please include your ACRRM number to enable MIPS to process your CPD directly with ACRRM.
For other Colleges, we suggest you forward a copy of the Certificate of Attendance.
Privacy and Confidentiality

This unit discusses confidentiality and privacy, specifically focusing on the medical and dental professions. Issues such as law enforcement, compliance and patient confidentiality are also covered.
Learning outcomes:
- Discuss the potential clinico-legal and regulatory risks around confidentiality and privacy of health information
- Outline the ethical, legal and code of conduct requirements about health information, confidentiality and privacy
- Implement strategies to minimise and avoid the possibility of inappropriate release of health information.
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Health Records

This unit provides valuable advice to all members on the importance of maintaining proper patient medical records. clinico-legal, Medical and Dental board's and Medicare requirements are covered,
that appropriate documentation is fundamental to
good medical practice.
Learning outcomes:
- Explain the requirements of the Medical Board of Australia with respect to health records
- Discuss the components of a successful follow up/patient recall system
- Implement practice systems to maintain appropriate health records
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Open Disclosure

This unit explains in detail the philosophy, history, benefits to both patients and clinicians, and how you can appropriately engage in the open disclosure process with patients following an adverse clinical outcome.
The principles explored in open disclosure apply to all health care professionals.
Learning outcomes:
- Identify the advantages of an open disclosure policy
- State a working definition of open disclosure
- Demonstrate how to implement open disclosure
- Explain the importance of developing and implementing an open disclosure process within your practice
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Risks for International Healthcare Graduates

This unit outlines some of the potential additional and unique risks for those practitioners who qualified and trained overseas and who have recently come to Australia to practice. The unit explores many issues such as
effective communication, social and cultural differences, pressures from patients of shared/cultural backgrounds.
Learning outcomes:
- Recall the possible reasons why an international graduate may be exposed to a higher clinico-legal risk than a locally trained doctor
- Discuss some of the principles of appropriate language and good communication to ensure patient safety
- Recall some techniques that can be used in situations where patients exhibit prejudice
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Top 10 clinico-legal issues
From the MIPS files comes this informative webinar run by MIPS clinico-legal adviser, Dr Nichola Davis.
Dr Davis' experience as a clinico-legal adviser dealing with notifications on a
daily basis from healthcare practitioners like you, provides invaluable insight into the function MIPS performs to protect its members as well as some of the obstacles to avoid while you are practicing.
Case studies of familiar scenarios which have found some members unwittingly in ‘hot water’ are outlined in this session.
Learning outcomes:
- Records (who can have/access?)
- Diagnostic issues (Failure to notify results /recalls)
- Surgical (consent/material risk)
- Prescribing (especially S8 medications)
- Communication (misunderstandings)
- Difficult patients (how to disengage?)
- AHPRA complaints
- Work life balance/impairment
- Social media
- Family – custody issues/partner violence
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Conversations at the End of Life

This unit outlines some of the strategies to assist members to deal with patients in palliative care situations. These consultations can be challenging, so MIPS has developed this unit with the assistance of Dr
Oncologist at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne.
Learning outcomes:
- Identify the situations in consultations that create difficulties
- Discuss the risk that such consultations can cause for the patient and the practitioner
- Develop strategies to minimise risk and cope with these situations
- Utilise resources guidelines and information to assist with the provision of quality patient care in their practice
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Beyond Negligence

Tort reform in recent years has reduced the frequency of claims from negligent acts or omissions (medical negligence). Simultaneously, there has been increased regulation of practitioners with the “national law”. This has resulted in
the number of complaints and investigations against practitioners increasing. This module highlights the rising risk of complaint and investigation, the potential consequences and how members can best manage this increased risk.
Learning outcomes
- Participants will increase their awareness of their potential personal professional risks and to identify red flags for such risks
- Participants will be provided with the resources to provide the necessary background and strategies to minimise personal and professional risk
- Participants will have greater insight to these risks and have in place risk avoidance measures to mitigate their risk
- Duration: 1 hr
- RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
- ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
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Dental risks

Aspects of the current Australian dental scene are examined including the rise in complaints against dental practitioners and recent legal trends. The reasons why patients complain are considered and details are
provided about
various complaint entities and all regulatory requirements.
The dental registration standard requires practitioners to complete a minimum of 60 hours of CPD activities over three years of which 80 per cent of the minimum 60 CPD hours must be clinically or scientifically based.
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Wrong tooth wrong treatment

This unit follows a series of video recordings featuring Prothodontist Dr Jeff Cox and examines scenarios where practitioners chose the right or wrong treatments for the right or wrong tooth.
Learning outcomes:
- Guidelines for assisting in preoperative planning
- Guidelines for assisiting selecting the right treatment and ensuring the right tooth
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Risk education provided by MIPS will assist in meeting AHPRA mandatory CPD requirements. MIPS has obtained accreditation by numerous professional college associations for the education provided.