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About our education

Risk education focusses on minimising the risk healthcare practitioners face from claims, complaints and regulatory body investigations. Our education promotes honourable practice as well as the need for practitioner wellbeing. 

MIPS is an accredited professional development provider for a number of colleges. You can select from our range of professional development workshops, webinars and on-demand education resources which are available to members at no additional cost.

Completion of professional development activities may assist you to meet your mandatory Ahpra healthcare board's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Membership records are updated with a record of participation and participants receive a certificate of attendance

Education features

  • Webinars hosted by experienced healthcare practitioners and industry experts
  • On-demand online education, practice notes and case studies
  • Accredited by colleges
  • Counts towards CPD requirements
  • Certificates provided for members
  • At no charge to members
To book or enquire about education opportunities email

What our members say

"Thank you for this very useful and relevant webinar. As a junior starting out in medicine it emphasised that although we have infinite resources, diagnostic error is still so prevalent!"

"Excellent topic, excellent presenter. Even drew my partner in to listen."

"Good presentation. Great to have webinars for docs in regional areas... more please!!!!"

"Very relevant and a huge issue for present and future practice. Presenter - Nice chatty style, easy to listen to with just right amount of interaction with group. Small groups at onset was good for 'breaking the ice'."