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Privacy and Confidentiality
This unit discusses confidentiality and privacy, specifically focusing on the medical and dental professions. Issues such as law enforcement, compliance and patient confidentiality are also covered.
Learning outcomes:
Discuss the potential clinico-legal and regulatory risks around confidentiality and privacy of health information
Outline the ethical, legal and code of conduct requirements about health information, confidentiality and privacy
Implement strategies to minimise and avoid the possibility of inappropriate release of health information.
Duration: 1 hr
RACGP: 2 Category 2 Points
ACRRM: 1 Credit Point
Start online unit
This education was designed for MIPS members. Access is available to all MIPS members at no additional cost
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The course materials are only for your use. You must not give access to, or provide any of the course materials to anyone who is not a MIPS member.
The copyright in this material is owned by MIPS Pty Ltd ABN 64 007 067 281 (Medical Indemnity Protection Society).
To the extent permitted by law, MIPS makes no warranties regarding the correctness or accuracy of its content and excludes all liability for any loss or damage suffered or incurred as a result of accessing, using or relying on the content.
To the extent you have the benefit of the Consumer Guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law which cannot be excluded, MIPS limits its liability to you in one or more of the following ways
to the extent that goods are supplied, at the option of MIPS: providing replacement of those goods or equivalent goods, or the paying the cost of having the goods resupplied;
to the extent that services are supplied, at the option of MIPS: supplying the services again, or paying the cost of having the services supplied again.
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