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If you’re studying to obtain a healthcare qualification in medicine, dentistry, oral health, or nuclear medicine technology, your MIPS student membership will provide you indemnity insurance and support in the event of a complaint, investigation, or legal action as a result of your involvement in healthcare you provide as a student, 24/7 medico-legal advice and support, and educational resources to help you manage risk and develop your career.

Who can apply?

Students attending an education provider in Australia or students from outside of Australia undertaking a temporary student healthcare placement are eligible to apply and benefit from a MIPS Membership. It takes less than two minutes to complete the form – so apply now.

Apply now

Why do students need professional medical indemnity insurance?

As a healthcare student, you may require medical indemnity insurance to cover you in case a complaint, claim, investigation, or legal action is made against you while providing healthcare.

The MIPS Membership Student category provides cover for student healthcare placements (including electives) where the placement is undertaken with the approval of and as a requirement for, a university at which you are studying to obtain a qualification that will lead to registration as a health practitioner.

If you attend an education provider in Australia, cover is also extended to student healthcare placements outside of Australia (excluding the USA and where USA laws apply).

To cover you, we require that you be appropriately supervised by a suitably qualified healthcare practitioner, and provided with adequate access to communication, oversight, interaction, direction and support from your supervisor throughout the provision of healthcare.

Why choose MIPS?

As a member-owned not-for-profit organisation, every decision is made with our members in mind. We’re here to protect you and your professional reputation with comprehensive insurance cover. As a MIPS Member you’ll also have access to resources, advice, and support 24 hours a day from medico-legal experts.

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Comprehensive Indemnity Cover

Providing you protection for up to $20 million in claims*

*The maximum amount we will pay in the aggregate per annual membership period.

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24/7 Medico-Legal Advice

Ability to speak with an experienced professional any time of the day

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Access to accredited professional development (CPD) and on-demand learning.

Area of Cover Clause/s Sub-limit*
Civil liability
Adverse clinical outcomes 4 No sub-limit
Breach of privacy 5 No sub-limit
Reporting others 8 No sub-limit
Clinical trials and research projects – only covered where your assistance or involvement in research is a requirement of your university course or qualification. 9 No sub-limit
Professional and disciplinary matters
Regulartory processes 11 No sub-limit
Coronial and other public inquiries 12 No sub-limit
Criminal matters 13 $500,000
Removal from proceedings 16 No sub-limit
Mandatory reporting 18 No sub-limit
Employment, Training and University Disputes
Workplace bullying or harassment 20 $100,000 combined sub-limit
Training program, professional association and university disputes 21
Pursuit matters
Pursuit of indemnity 23 No sub-limit
Personal safety pursuit 24 $100,000
Pursuing an objection to a subpoena 25 No sub-limit
Additional covers
Contagious disease 28 $25,000
* Sub-limits apply per Claim and in the aggregate for all Claims notified to Us in the Policy Period for each clause or group of clauses under an area of cover. The sub-limits shall be part of and not in addition to the maximum sum insured under this Policy. Where an alternative sub-limit or excess is noted on Your Member Benefit Statement, it is that sub-limit and excess that applies to Your cover under this Policy.   
^The excess of $20,000 reduces the amount payable by MIPS under the sub-limit from $150,000 to $130,000.

Insurance cover is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy. The information provided is general advice only and does not consider your personal circumstances or needs. You should review the Member Handbook Combined PDS and FSG and/or contact MIPS on 1800 061 113, before making a decision. Information is current as at the date published.