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Become a member

At MIPS, we are more than an indemnity insurance provider. We pride ourselves on delivering the best support and advice to our members at every stage of their career.

As a member-owned, not-for-profit organisation we are committed to protecting our members and their professional reputation.

Our members benefit from:

  • Up to $20 million of cover for claims against you
  • 24/7 expert medico-legal support and advice
  • Education and resources to help manage risk

Apply in 3 easy steps

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2. Review your quote
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3.Apply to join MIPS
MIPS membership ends on 30 June each year. Check with your existing provider for cancellation fees. You can pay your membership fee by monthly instalments at no additional cost.

Before joining, you should read the Member Handbook which includes our categories of membership, our financial services guide, product disclosure statement and summarises the benefits of membership including indemnity insurance.

To help you choose your right membership classification, please read this article on category selection.

Changing from another Medical Defence Organisation

Many practitioners who switch to MIPS are surprised how easy it is. Nominating the correct retroactive date provides uninterrupted cover for previous years of practice and a membership quote will help you to make an informed decision. In most cases, if you cancel your cover with your existing indemnity organisation you will receive a refund for a portion of the unused indemnity for the period of insurance (typically a calendar year or financial year).

Contact us with any questions about membership on 1300 698 509 or


Professional indemnity insurance is underwritten by MIPS Insurance Pty Limited, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS) and the policy is held on trust by MIPS for the benefit of its members. The information provided here is general advice only. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation, and needs before taking any action. Please read the Member Handbook, available at


Our fees are calculated using a model which reflects each member’s risk exposure from current and past practice.

Obtain a quote

Downloads and links

How to select the right category

Member Handbook>