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MIPS Risk Education update250
MIPS education update
13 Apr 2023
The new Medical Board of Australia (“MBA") CPD registration standard came into effect for all medical practitioners from 01 January 2023.
dentistry in a post-Covid world250
Navigating the Transition: Insights and Advice for New Dentistry Graduates
13 Apr 2023
In this article, Dr Chai Yeh, a dentistry graduate reflects on her experience stepping into the profession during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic. With insights gained from personal exp ...
Has your practice changed 250
Has your practice changed?
13 Apr 2023
You may risk delays in access to support and advice when you need it the most if your Membership Classification does not provide cover for your practice. MIPS receives thousands of calls from memb ...
medicine shortages250
Medication shortages and the medico-legal risks of finding alternatives
13 Apr 2023
Australia faces ongoing shortages of many medications, especially antibiotics, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and increased demand and supply chain challenges. The use of alternative medicines ...
Recognising our own - Australia Day Honours
13 Apr 2023
Members of the MIPS community have been recognised for their outstanding achievements across a broad range of fields in this year’s Australia Day Honours List. Of note, our esteemed board member, M ...
Nurturing the why250
Nurturing the ‘why’: How to rediscover your purpose as a doctor
13 Apr 2023
I started my medical career as a patient. It’s not the normal way of doing things, but neither was getting cancer at 28. Bowel cancer to be exact. Stage three to be precise. After radiation, chemother ...
Building our capability
13 Apr 2023
Dr Pamela J. Ferrada (BBiochem 1st, MTeach, PhD) works in Risk Education and is the current chair of the Work, Health & Safety Committee at MIPS. Pamela is a biomedical scientist with a background ...
Dollar within a lightbulb icon
Premium Support Scheme
13 Apr 2023
The Premium Support Scheme (PSS) is an Australian Government scheme that helps eligible medical practitioners with the costs of their medical indemnity insurance. MIPS administers the scheme on behal ...
Pen in a box icon
Retiring, maternity leave or no longer practising in Australia?
13 Apr 2023
Claims can arise at any time. If you're no longer practising in Australia, you're required to maintain cover for future claims that may arise from your past practice. This not only protects you and yo ...
CSI: The Community, Statements & Information - Law enforcement and the healthcare practitioner
24 Nov 2022
From time to time, healthcare practitioners are asked to respond to requests from law enforcement agencies. These requests can relate to urgent patient medical information or statements about the caus ...
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